Monday, March 9, 2009

Election for Power Legitimacy in Cambodia: 3rd Episode "A Strongman in a Weak State"

Last time in 2nd Episode I described "the statement of Cambodia Prime Minister to discard the National Congress from National Constitution, his fearful political rhetoric to jeopardize the people, and the use of major parliamentary to lift opposition immunity without conscience" are the sign of leader's inability to protect the constitution, to provide rubric for bottom-line people, and lacking of check and balance of power...which all these showcase the characteristic of "weak state" that "strongman" is perpetuating to consolidate his power.
CPP is leading major voice in the assembly but this party is not relevant to the amount of valid votes. CPP is leading the major voice in the assembly but this party is far away from all vote registrants of 8 millions. CPP is leading the major voice in the assembly but this party is very very far way from the total Cambodian population (14 millions).

This time I will concentrate on the "Cambodia Election" has been used as the mean to legitimize personal power. And this practice is showing Cambodia as one of the weak states lacking willingness to implement "the rule of law". Major Cambodian people might see the victory of CPP in recent national election (27 July 2008) as their proud victory, but observers and academic analysts see this election as a game of "power legitimacy". There are numerous complaints made by Opposition Parties about the unequal media distribution, ballot irregularities, vote buying, intimidation, bias National Election Committee (NEC), and other disenfranchisement etc. But all these might not be relevant like "the very low participation of the voters".

When we are looking at the numbers of vote registrants, we satisfy with that. There were about 8 million registrants or around 60 percent (8/14 millions). But when we look at the actual valid vote number, there are around 6 millions cast their ballots (or 6,010,277 total valid votes). So we can say that 2 millions skeptically lost their chance to cast the ballot. But when we look at the vote numbers casting for CPP, there are around 3 millions (3,492,374 votes). This number is not significant for CPP to receive major seats in the assembly at all. However, CPP is taking absolute major voice in the parliament. This party is holding 90 seats among all 123 seats.

This 90 seats don't correctly reflect the 5.4 percent votes cast for CPP at all. CPP is leading major voice in the assembly but this party is not relevant to the amount of valid votes. CPP is leading the major voice in the assembly but this party is far away from all vote registrants of 8 millions. CPP is leading the major voice in the assembly but this party is very very far way from the total Cambodian population (14 millions). This election figure tells us the myth of political legimacy gained by the CPP in Cambodia. Comparing 3.4 million voted for CPP with 14 millions of total population surely informs us the "weakness" of Cambodia nation. It is weak because the 90 seats of major voice really doesn't reflect the support of Cambodians. CPP is lacking support from Cambodian people, but why opposition party cannot step into this situation? This also shows the "weakness" of Cambodia nation. Opposition needs to warm up themselves a little bit. CPP is not truly leading opposition party in a strong manner, but in a weak manner and manipulation.

In conclusion, CPP is proud of its victory over election just for their own power and interest. But CPP's winning of electiion truly informs us the "The Strongman in a Weak State".


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