Thursday, November 3, 2011

The fate of Col. Gaddafi terrified all world dictators

The end of 2011 has frightened Hun Sen mentally and physically. The middle east spring has toppled many dictators such as Tunisia’s Ben Ali (removed after 24 years in power), Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak (removed after 30 years in power), Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi (to be removed after 42 years in power), Yemen’s Ali Abdullah Saleh (to be removed after 33 years in power) and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad (to be removed after 40 years of dictatorship including his father Hafez al-Assad’s 29-year reign). But our Cambodian Hun Sen is (32 years in power). Hun Sen can also recall to his neighbors such as Suharto of Indonesia and Marcos of the Philippines.
Political Analysis Today:

Recent speech at the bridge inaugural ceremony of Hun Sen on the comparing him to Col. Gaddafi is understood as a consoling lullaby for his personal nervous soul. The video clip of beating up and humiliating of Gaddafi is not acceptable for those who love human rights and human dignity but it has truly terrified dictators worldwide.

All dictators have been defined as:
  • staying in power too long or forever
  • transferring power to their own kin under the umbrella of family when they are in aging condition
  • terrify their own objectives (citizens) not to stand up bargaining their power
  • monopolize national wealth, state media, arm force and create the rule of law that can legitimize their power

All these few considering factors of dictatorship, how could Hun Sen can distinguish himself from Gaddafi?

Hun Sen and his spokesperson like Phay Siphan said Hun Sen is different from Gaddafi because Cambodian people elected Hun Sen during the national election. How could election in Cambodia can legitimate Hun Sen power and push him away from Gaddafi's character when Hun Sen can monopolize national wealth, state media, arm force and utilize the rule of law to favor his absolute power? Election in each year is just a stage of Lakhorn to hide the reality from Cambodian people and the international communities.

For Hun Sen, he used the past tragic war to terrify Cambodian people and his recent speech culminated this. His logic based that the toppling of Gaddafi stemmed from war of the opposition. In this matter, Hun Sen wanted to tell us that if "you want to make Hun Sen like Gaddafi, you must rise up by grabbing guns and fight against him". He also encouraged Cambodian dissents by providing a big stock of ammunition supply.

In this matter, Hun Sen can use the reality smarter and clearer than his spokespersons Phay Siphan. Note that Phay Siphan has always stated that all trials to punish dissents are the path to strengthening the rule of law in Cambodia.

At the end, Hun Sen is still terrified by the image of death of Gaddafi. Not only opposition which can topple Gaddafi. The loyal persons close to Gaddafi are also pointing gun at Gaddafi. The NATO and the international communities are also in favor of the opposition. In reality, the people of Libya have supported Gaddafi more than current support of Cambodian people towards Hun Sen.

Let consider few factors that make Hun Sen terrifying at the moment:
  • Hun Sen has realized that his prolonging term in power will end up like Gaddafi although he can use the past genocide, the election and the physical development of Cambodia at the present to legitimize his power.
  • His fate will end up like Gaddafi either by his dissenters, or by his contenders within the CPP, or by the international communities.

The end of 2011 has frightened Hun Sen mentally and physically. The middle east spring has toppled many dictators such as Tunisia’s Ben Ali (removed after 24 years in power), Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak (removed after 30 years in power), Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi (to be removed after 42 years in power), Yemen’s Ali Abdullah Saleh (to be removed after 33 years in power) and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad (to be removed after 40 years of dictatorship including his father Hafez al-Assad’s 29-year reign). But our Cambodian Hun Sen is (32 years in power). Hun Sen can also recall to his neighbors such as Suharto of Indonesia and Marcos of the Philippines.

Among those dictators, Mubarak has shared similarity with Hun Sen. In every election in Egypt, Mubarak always won and could claim his power legitimacy. But the people of Egypt cannot tolerate with that fake election and finally Mubarak must fight with the court although he is living inside the steel cage.

Seeing these falling down of dictators, rumors within the throne of Hun Sen have haunted Hun Sen's power. Hun Sen has cancelled Boat Racing Ceremony this year is not from something else but power protection for himself. The recent birthday ceremony for King Norodom Sihanouk is just a tool to pressure those contenders in his party ring. Only Hun Sen and powerless Heng Samrin appeared at the Birthday Ceremony of the former King. Chea Sim has been politically absent from the scene. Chea Sim must be so painful on the effort of Hun Sen to purge his associates.

Why in Cambodia, only the people who are close to Chea Sim have been arrested of corruption and trading drug? All people who are close to Hun Sen are all very good?

Hun Sen is in a nightmare and I don't think he can run away from this nightmare in this 2011.

May Cambodia free from dictatorship!

Khmer Young

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