Monday, May 28, 2007

SRP is moving toward democracy, but CPP is moving toward Communism

Two essential different strategies of CPP and SRP has intensified the shift of better political movement in Cambodia.

SRP is the mouthspeaker and role player of world democracy movement. This party is performing the duty on behalf of European Union as well as USA. SRP is tending to reform public services that can work effectively in promoting good governance, decentralization and sufficiency. SRP has initiated with its essential policy to have vote in the grassroot of the people that they have to know well who is a capable and good for their they have to vote their village chieves or community representatives....village chieves or representatives are not directly appointed by the parties or government.

With this genuine decentralization madened Hun Sen terribly. He accused the proposal of SRP as the coup detat of the government...what's a heck!

CPP has its policy like China and Vietnam that their village chieves or community representatives are directly appointed by party or government. When they appoint them, those agents will work for the party, not for the people...this is what happening in Cambodia nowaday.

Hun Sen is really afraid that those village chieves or community representatives who are elected by people will not obey or work for his absolute commanding. This fear is the fear of lossing the power of Hun Sen.

SRP now is moving in the right track, though recently, this suggestion has been severely jeopadized by Hun Sen, but it is just a standard of world democracy movement. Hun Sen himself is trying to pack his body in the coffin this near future. And for the sake of Cambodia, this initiative must be continually pursued, strived and promoted.

SRP has solemnly announced the increasing 20$ per month according to the necessity and promise. But CPP has never talked about this, but this party is invisibly transfered huge money to their grassroot agents.

SRP is bearing tranparency with this visible and public announcement, while CPP doesn't have enough courage to use national budget transparently...they cannot differentiate the different between national budget and personal pocket.

Bravo the achievement of Cambodian individuals!

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